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04/2020 – Dopo la sovranità: globalizzazione, stati nazionali, frontiere

ISSN: 2037-495X
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dossier: globalizzazione, statualità, frontiere

Spazi, frontiere e confini in discussione: gli effetti della globalizzazione sulla statualità Nadine Innocenzi

Ripensare la statualità siriana a partire dalle migrazioni siriane in Marocco Virginia Fanny Faccenda

Riflessioni sulla crisi della sovranità statale: nuovi limiti, diritti umani e globalizzazione. Verso la “sovranità della persona umana”? Giovanni Tarantino

I luoghi della migrazione. Regimi di mobilità e necropolitica Pasquale Menditto

L’appartenenza associativa transnazionale e i confini fluidi di un mondo globalizzato. Società civile organizzata e istituzioni pubbliche Sara Nanetti


carlo curcio (1898-1971) tra impegno scientifico e militanza intellettuale/2

Nazione e Europa. Carlo Curcio e la nascita dell’idea di nazione Alessandra Petrone

Il diritto naturale e l’idea volontaristica della nazione in Carlo Curcio e Federico Chabod, Daniele Stasi

L’idea di Europa di Carlo Curcio Corrado Malandrino

Tra liberalismo, tradizionalismo e fascismo. Elementi di liberalismo nel pensiero politico di Carlo Curcio Federico Poggianti

Stato, corporazione e sindacato nell’opera di Carlo Curcio Giuseppe Parlato

Carlo Curcio e la dottrina del fascismo: le voci del Dizionario di Politica del Pnf Luca La Rovere

Carlo Curcio. Una rivoluzione, non conservatrice, verso la tradizione politica Paolo Pastori


archivio del realismo politico

Nietzsche a Mirafiori. Il giovane Tronti e la critica dello storicismo; note di rilettura Damiano Palano


Virginia Fanny Faccenda, Rethinking Syrian Statehood: Syrian migration to Morocco

The contribution aims to explore the borders of the Syrian Statehood through the migration of its citizens to Morocco. If the study of the Syrian State is presented mainly within the national borders, through the dynamics of the ongoing civil war or through the exercise of power of the ruling classes or the experiences of victims of the regime, the migration of millions of refugees makes it possible to rethink the cartography of the State. Going beyond a purely national and territorial conception, the approach to Syrian mobility (the 1960s, 1980s and 2011), and its insertion in the Moroccan context broaden the immutable categories through which the Syrian State is mainly studied. Based on an ethnographic research done in Morocco in 2014-2015, the article presents how Syrian statehood has mobile borders and can be explored from the daily practices and interactions of Syrian citizens in Morocco.

Keywords: Statehood, Migration, National Borders, Mobility


Giovanni Tarantino, Reflections on the Crisis of State Sovereignty: New Limits, Human Rights and Globalization. Towards the “Sovereignty of the Human Person”?

If until a few decades ago it was possible to agree with Santi Romano, who, in the famous Prolusion held at the University of Pisa in 1909, had stated that «the right and constitution of a people always represent the genuine product of his life and its intimate nature», today this no longer appears as a certainty. This is because, in the relationships that arise first between individuals and then between political subjects, in the last period there has been the emergence of new phenomena, which have been able to question a framework that was believed to be well established by now.

Among these new phenomena, economic (and cultural) globalization certainly stands out,
the advent of the “Età dei diritti”, but also the potential of communication and information technologies. What has been mined, more specifically, is the certainty that centuries of political and legal culture had handed down, that is, that a people living on a territory has the right to issue its own laws. And this was the consequence of questioning the territory as a constitutive element of the State. Are we then faced with the metamorphosis of the idea of ​​sovereignty? Or are we only facing the metamorphosis of his concept? Starting from these observations and from these questions, the contribution theorizes the possibility of a new sovereignty, so far little debated: that of the human person.

Keywords: Globalization, State Sovereignty, Human Rights, Human Person


Pasquale Menditto, The Places of Migration. Regimes of Mobility and Necropolitics

On 18 April 2015, a fishing vessel from Tripoli sank about 70 miles from the Libyan coast. About 950 migrants were on board, of which over 700 died trapped in the hold of the ship that had begun to sink after capsizing during rescue operations. Furthermore, on 27 August 2015, an abandoned refrigerated truck was found along an Austrian highway with the bodies of over 50 migrants who had died of asphyxiation. Holds; overcrowded surfaces of small boats; refrigerated truck cells; as well as the interior of a tent placed under bridges or viaducts, or positioned together with dozens of others to form tents scattered near national borders: such are the places produced by the action of government practices and forms of knowledge whose dual articulation generates specific regimes of mobility.  Through a comparison of theories on governmentality, territorialisation and some events characterizing contemporary migratory processes, the article aims to analyse how the proliferation of interstitial spaces corresponds to the need for state and international entities to tame global phenomena that call into question the existing political categories.

Keywords: Globalization, Necropolitics, Mobility, Borders


Sara Nanetti, Transnational Membership and the Fluid Boundaries of a Globalized World. Organized Civil Society and Public Institutions

The changes imposed by globalization on statehood require a rethinking of emerging social categories. Is it possible to identify specific forms of partnership in an increasingly de-contextualized and decentralized context? What role does statehood play in this dimension? In order to answer these questions, we will proceed with the analysis of a particular case – family associations – which intercepts at the same time: the sociality of the subjects involved, national regulation and globalization.

Keywords: Globalization, Family Associations, Transnationality, Civil Society


Alessandra Petrone, Carlo Curcio and the Birth of the Idea of Nation

The essay starts from Curcio’s assumption during the years of his adhesion to Fascism of the need for a strong concept of state, to guarantee the good of the nation understood as a unitary body with a single destiny to fulfill. The essay continues with the analysis of some of the main interpreters of the idea of nation that highlight how the French Revolution represents the moment when the idea of nation takes on a political dimension. Thesis reiterated in the main work of Curcio on the nation: Nazione e autodecisione dei popoli.

Keywords: Carlo Curcio, Nation, Nationalism, Europe


Daniele Stasi, The Natural Law and the Voluntaristic Idea of ​ Nation in Carlo Curcio and Federico Chabod

The doctrine of natural law can support a “voluntaristic” conception of ​​the nation. The author compares the interpretations of Federico Chabod and Carlo Curcio regarding the relationship between natural law and the idea of ​​nation in the Italian political thought. The doctrine of natural law constitutes for both Chabod and Curcio one of the original factors of the idea of ​​nation, which transferred the origin and basis of absolute power to individuals and “national wills”, making them, as in the case of Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, the ultimate reference of international law.

Keywords: Carlo Curcio, Federico Chabod, Nation, Nationalism


Corrado Malandrino, The Idea of Europa in the Carlo Curcio’s Thought

Curcio placed his 1958 masterpiece on the “history of the idea of Europe” within the “History of political Thought” discipline, therefore contributing to significantly broaden its scope. Unfortunately, in his lifetime, such contribution was never fully recognised, despite the significant scientific characteristics of his work: although not without inaccuracies, and within the limits established by the context in which he wrote, it shreds light on the unfolding over 3,000 years of a “political” idea of Europe. It unearths and compares the thoughts of over 2,000 authors with a style and depth of analysis whose elegance is rarely found in the current panorama. The article aimes to investigate Curcio’s legacy and tries to answer the following questions. First: how does Curcio’s interest in the idea of Europe arise and develop? In what historical and ideological context, starting from the 1930s, does this develoment unfolds? What is Curcio’s place in the historiography of the idea of Europe? Second: can we detect a substantial change of Curcio’s approach to this subject after the end of WW2 and the fascist regime?  Third: what value can we assign today to Curcio’s thinking on the idea of Europe and to the political indications that arise from his reasoning? Can Curcio’s idea of Europe help in consolidating a united Europe and also the European union?

Keywords: Carlo Curcio, Europe, European Union, Democracy


Federico Poggianti, Elements of Liberalism in Carlo Curcio’s Political Thought

Carlo Curcio’s works represented an element of uniqueness among the Fascist Party. As a convinced upholder of the convey of liberal values within the Fascist doctrine, Curcio provided an undoubtedly original reading, although not free from critical points, of the role of liberalism in the regime. The research aims to highlight the importance of Curcio’s liberal thought for the Fascist doctrine, through the study of his works Le origini dell’idea liberale in Italia, L’idea liberale, L’esperienza liberale del fascismo and Miti della politica. Tre saggi sulla democrazia, sul socialismo e sul liberalismo. There will also be made use of the several writings on the subject published in periodicals such as «Critica fascista», «Il Giornale della cultura italiana» and «Lo Stato», reviews and articles that appeared in the same period of time, as well as the Fascist Party’s Dictionary of politics in which Curcio edited the words “Liberalism”, “Democracy” and “Dictatorship”. The purpose is to point out the presence, constant in duration even if variable in intensity, of the liberal vein in the Fascist thought, that aims to lead to a better critical and historical understanding of Curcio’s works.

Keywords: Carlo Curcio, Risorgimento, Liberalism, Idealism


Giuseppe Parlato, State, Guild and Trade Union in the Work of Carlo Curcio

The paper intends to present a path in the thought and work of Carlo Curcio, who, from the beginning defined as “idealistic liberal-fascist”, unravels towards the search for a “bridge” between nation and people, two elements of evident Risorgimento’s derivation. The liberalism, to which Curcio dedicates a very careful and free of prejudice reading, fails, however, to build this bond, still a prisoner of a static vision of society. Fascism instead, according to Curcio, manages to carry out a progressive process of rapprochement between the State and the People, identifying in the Trade Union and, above all, in the Guild those instruments capable of creating this link – which for the first time occurs in the history of Italy – which becomes indispensable for determining an effective nationalization of the masses.

Keywords: Carlo Curcio, Fascism, Corporatism, National-Syndacalism


Luca La Rovere, Carlo Curcio and the Fascist Doctrine: the Entries in the National Fascist Party’s Dizionario di politica

The essay summarizes the origin and purposes of the Dizionario di politica; it retraces the way in which Carlo Curcio was involved in one of the Fascist party’s most important editorial enterprises and outlines his role in the planning and realization of the project; it also analyses the contents of the thirty entries written by the Neapolitan scholar. Finally, discussing some of the current interpretations of Curcio as a follower and continuer of Italian conservative liberalism, it places the position expressed in the aforementioned entries in the frame of Curcio’s wider political-ideological production and actual life choices. The involvement in a work aimed at codifying the cornerstones of Fascist doctrine testifies to Curcio’s organic integration into the fascist cultural environment and his full adhesion to the political-ideological purposes of the Dictionary. The criticism of the main modern ideologies (Democracy, Liberalism, Socialism), the central role assigned to the party – as the sole interpreter of the “Fascist ethic” – in the Fascist regime, the recurrent presence of anti-Semitic stereotypes which reveals the adhesion to the racial campaign of the regime, the faith in Fascism’s revolutionary nature and in the advent of a “new civilization” – stand as a proof that Curcio not only believed in fascism, but was one of the most prominent theoreticians of its revolutionary and totalitarian current.

Keywords: Carlo Curcio, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Ideology


Paolo Pastori, Carlo Curcio. A Non Conservative Revolution, toward Political Tradition

The essay represents an overall reflection on the Carlo Curcio’s sense of liberalism between historiographic reflection and analysis of the liberal political structures.

Keywords: Carlo Curcio, Tradition, Conservantism, Liberalism


Damiano Palano, Nietzsche a Mirafiori. Il giovane Tronti e la critica dello storicismo: note di rilettura

This article examines Mario Tronti’s early writings with the aim of highlighting an often overlooked element of the tradition of Italian workerism. In particular, the article argues that Nietzsche’s thought had a significant influence in the critique of historicist Marxism that Tronti developed in the 1950s and 1960s. In some autobiographical writings, Tronti recalls that his encounter with the “culture of the crisis” was very early and that it was in any case prior to the period of «autonomy of the political». Indeed, Tronti recalls that, for his intellectual formation, Nietzsche was «decisive» like Marx. The traces of this influence can in fact be seen, as well as in the style adopted by Tronti, also in other elements: in particular in the criticism of Gramsci’s historicism, in the criticism of the idea of ​​«science» proposed by Galvano della Volpe, in the conviction that the working class is the bulwark against the advance of “massification” and against the victory of the “last man” described by Nietzsche.

Keywords: Politicla Realism, Italian Thought, Historicism, Autonomy of the Political